Growing by Faith
Growing by Faith

2019 Food Pantry of the Year
2019 Food Pantry of the Year
Hummingbird Pantry INC. (HBP) is a non-profit 501c3 organization located in the City of Titusville Florida. Titusville is a suburban area situated on the Indian River, west of the Kennedy Space Center, with a population of 43,000.
Over the last several years, Titusville has felt an increase of homeless in addition to a history of poverty. Through generous donations of food, clothing, and personal hygiene products, HBP, is committed to assist, inspire and empower those affected by hunger, homelessness or natural disasters in Brevard County. HBP operates 100% from donations, in-kind supplementation, and partnerships from local agencies. HBP is a Second Harvest Food Bank partner.
Hummingbird Pantry INC. (HBP) is a non-profit 501c3 organization located in the City of Titusville Florida. Titusville is a suburban area situated on the Indian River, west of the Kennedy Space Center, with a population of 43,000.
Over the last several years, Titusville has felt an increase of homeless in addition to a history of poverty. Through generous donations of food, clothing, and personal hygiene products, HBP, is committed to assist, inspire and empower those affected by hunger, homelessness or natural disasters in Brevard County. HBP operates 100% from donations, in-kind supplementation, and partnerships from local agencies. HBP is a Second Harvest Food Bank partner.
Gina Stanford - Founder
Gina Stanford - Founder

In the Beginning
In the Beginning
In 2012 while Gina was volunteering, at Riverview-VPK in Titusville, she saw first hand where children were not getting enough food to eat in the community. She set out to make a change.
Together with the help of dear friends she started providing food for the Holidays to 45 needy families.
By 2016 that grow to 500 registered families that received assistance weekly
2017 Hummingbird was at 900 families weekly
2018 Hummingbird assisted over 12,500 families with over 190,000 pounds of food twice a month, along with: Clothes, person care items, baby food, diapers, furniture, household, and other essentials.
2019 Second Harvest - Brevard County Food Pantry of the year winner was Hummingbird Pantry.
Hummingbird increased food distribution to 150,000 pounds of food per month through Monthly Regular Pantry, Monthly Semi Truck Food Drops, Quarterly Community Food Drops, Feed the Need Summer Program, and Weekly Produce Trucks. Hummingbird also experienced a 75% increase during the Government shut-down that effected families four to six months.
2020 - COVID 19 shut the world down. Hummingbird met the increase and provided 240,000 pounds of food to 12,000 families weekly.
2021 - Hummingbird was forced to reduce distribution to twice a month. This was due to volunteer burnout, COVID, and limited space to store food. By years end, Hummingbird still managed to distribute 2,400,000 pounds of food to over 82,000 families.
Thank you all for your support!